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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Final Fantasy 11 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-09-27 01:33:54 Views : 23204 Final Fantasy logo: When you board the airship and the screen is on Steiner in the front of the ship, in the background clouds you can see the Final Fantasy symbol fly by every few seconds. Alternate opening sounds: In order for this trick to work, you must be running the Playonline viewer in windowed mode. Open the viewer, and as soon as the window shows up, click outside of the window, which will un-highlight the viewer. Instead of the standard music, you should hear cheering, followed by "Welcome to Playonline". Grass Cloth: Synthesize a Yagudo Necklace with a Wind Crystal. This will get you three spools of Grass Thread. Synthesize them with Earth Crystal to get Grass Cloth. Sheep Leather: Synthesize a Goblin mask with a Wind Crystal to get a Sheep Leather. Silk Thread: To get Silk Thread very easily, defeat Crawlers in East Sartabaruta. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Final Fantasy 11 cheat codes.
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